Headway: Reach your goals with a smarter Notion system

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We get it, there are thousands of Notion templates that can help you keep a daily journal. Many of them give you the basic building blocks to manage your life, and some even have beautiful layouts, but Headway is different.

Much more than aesthetics, Headway is thoughtfully created to help you organize your daily habits, then tie habits into achievable goals so you can go from bouncing around life to charting a clear path to do more of what you want with less clutter and confusion.

We also help you reflect on successes, learnings, and progress so that you can genuinely commit to and realize positive changes in your thinking, your habits, and your life.

Headway is more than just aesthetic Notion tools - it’s a system that will help you make intentional forward progress in life.

🎉 New year, new you! Use code FRESHSTART24 to save 50% on Headway for the new year!

Headway is built on 3+ years of success.

I'm Jason Clarke, the creator of Headway. In 2020, I discovered the power of Notion and, inspired by experts like Marie Poulin, started building a journal and goal tracking tool that quite literally transformed my life.

I went from struggling with my habits to accomplishing big goals, first by documenting, then by breaking them into manageable chunks. “Read 24 books this year” turned into “6 books this quarter,” which became “read just 10 minutes today.”

I created a daily journal to reflect on my journey and added daily habit tracking. It evolved into to weekly reflections and quarterly reviews. I achieved more than I thought possible and found gratitude along the way.

After refining my system for 3 years, I'm excited to share Headway with you. Built on real-world success, Headway is now your tool for intentional forward progress.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why is Headway pricier than some other Notion templates?

Headway isn't just a single template - it's an interconnected set of EIGHT different templates that work thoughtfully and seamlessly together to create a complete system for achieving your goals, from the smallest daily tasks to your big-picture goals.

It's also been tested and refined for over 3 years, meaning that it is already been thoroughly proven to work to help you feel more peace and be more successful.

What if I have more questions before I buy?

We want to make sure Headway is right for you. If you have questions before you make the investment in Headway, please visit headwaysystem.site to learn more, or text us with your questions at (401) 363-0711 and we'll respond!

Standard message and/or data rates may apply. If you text us, we'll only respond to you for that reason and we won't spam you or even add you to a list!

How can I get help if I have questions?

We want you to be successful using Headway!

  • Headway includes detailed instructions for setup and use.
  • We also offer support via email if you have questions.
  • We have a Discord server where you can connect with Headway staff or other users
  • Finally, we do offer a "Guided Setup" service. For $100 per hour, we'll facilitate help through video chat - whether it be training, support, or even customizations!

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14-day money back guarantee

If you don't like Headway for any reason or for no reason at all, we will gladly refund your purchase price within 14 days of purchase.

Please fill out our support for at https://headwaysystem.site/support/ to request a refund. Please include your name, email, and purchase date so that we can look you up and issue a refund.

If you are asking for a refund because you didn't have a chance to try Headway within the 14 days, or if you are having a specific problem, please include that in your refund request so we can try to help!

Last updated Jan 23, 2024

You'll get 5 interconnected Notion templates that make up Headway, 3 bonus templates, plus detailed instructions.

Weekly Overview template
Snapshot of your week, including daily journal entries, plus active goals and tasks
Daily Journal template
Guided record of your your daily journal and habits that roll up to your goals
Goals & Intentions template
Your current and past goals and intentions to help you live with purpose
Tasks template
Tool for breaking down goals into manageable, bite-size chunks
Reflections template
Weekly review of your progress and gratitude to fuel future growth
BONUS templates: Inbox, Links, and Notes
Together, the Inbox, Links, and Notes help you jot down, organize, and come back to thoughts, links, ideas, and more.
Detailed Instructions
How to setup and make the most of Headway to make intentional forward progress in life
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Headway: Reach your goals with a smarter Notion system

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